Route 66 Relay Challenge For Good
All groups:
1.VacDashHarriers Finished
2.Team NerdHerd Finished
3.FASTPASS Finished
4.West Oz Track Finished
5.We runDisney Finished
1.VacDashHarriers 1731.7 miles
2.Team NerdHerd 1654.0 miles
3.We runDisney 1623.3 miles
4.West Oz Track 1597.9 miles
5.FASTPASS 1180.0 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Athletes (38)
1.TheBritishGuy Finished
2.LauraTorok Finished
3.Sherlock Finished
4.Princess Finished
5.MakoMichael Finished
6.Melrose917 329.1 miles
7.BradGarf 326.9 miles
8.klinehan 322.4 miles
9.Fastwalker12Min 320.3 miles
10.Jessawotona 292.2 miles
11.Dandalorian 276.8 miles
12.HeatherS24 236.9 miles
13.JulieOlson1 217.7 miles
14.CGess 217.0 miles
15.Rosie13 209.7 miles
16.DianaBanana 201.3 miles
17.vanMickey 196.0 miles
18.hhilko 184.6 miles
19.K-Slice 179.6 miles
20.Ellie 177.9 miles
21.Manju 175.1 miles
22.Erinn 169.7 miles
23.ACDave24 162.2 miles
24.Swish 155.5 miles
25.SandieH 144.0 miles
26.MrNice 143.9 miles
27.JillyB 140.0 miles
28.HMonkeyruns 137.8 miles
29.DrAmanda 129.9 miles
30.Peggybot 121.6 miles
31.DMM 116.3 miles
32.Martym205 110.5 miles
33.SecretSpiderman 85.0 miles
34.Rhodsie 66.9 miles
35.DisneyFan 65.5 miles
36.Jamison 33.6 miles
37.Trum20 33.0 miles
38.Ottertrum 11.4 miles
1.TheBritishGuy 496.0 miles
2.LauraTorok 440.7 miles
3.MakoMichael 418.3 miles
4.Princess 380.2 miles
5.Sherlock 361.2 miles
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*Only groups with more than 1 member will show up on the 'All groups' leaderboard.
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Group Mileage Log:
Recent Activity
Log Activity
About + Join
- From: Santa Monica Pier, CA
- To: Colorado River, AZ
- Start date: September 1, 2020
- End date: October 31, 2020
- 0:00 EST
- 23:59 EST
- Route distance: 334.8 miles
- Total logged: 7,786.9 miles
For my 50th Birthday I decided to do something different by giving people and excuse to get out the door while supporting a donors choose project.
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
We've got racers all over the globe! So to keep everyone on the same page, we've come up with some handy guidelines:
- Watch this video of Racery pro tips.
- Complete your bio. Include #groups to better track friends or colleagues.
- Update your passcode in settings.
- If your race includes activity conversions, we try to keep the playing field level, and conversions are based on effort, ie 1 hour cycling = ~1 hour swimming = ~1 hour tennis. Please log cycling minutes, not miles.
- To delete a log, click its gear on the right.
- Don’t like one type of email? Unsubscribe at the bottom of that email.
- If you post on social media, please include #raceryapp so we can find you!
- We rely on the honor system. You don't have to use a device to prove your miles, a good map or watch suffices.
- Only log intentional exercise please.
- Attribute your exercise to the appropriate day—don't combine workouts from multiple days.
- Only backdate logs for a race up to two weeks in the past.
- Activities submitted after the race ends will not count toward race leaderboards.
Questions? Write!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
No mileage submitted yet.